August 5, 2021: REMUS 6000

A team recovers autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) REMUS 600 using the J-frame on the CTD deck of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer during the 2019 Technology Demonstration.

Image courtesy of Charlie Wilkins. Download larger version (jpg, 5.4 MB).

A team recovers autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) REMUS 600 using the J-frame on the CTD deck of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer during the 2019 Technology Demonstration.

During the expedition, NOAA Ocean Exploration worked with NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey (OCS) to test operations on the OCS-owned REMUS 600 AUV, which is equipped with an EM 3002 multibeam sonar system that allows for high-resolution mapping. The testing of this commercial AUV allowed NOAA Ocean Exploration and partners to better understand the launch and recovery process, the acquisition and processing of AUV data, staffing and data storage needs, as well as how AUV operations might fit into Okeanos Explorer mapping and remotely operated vehicle exploration.

From: Seafloor Mapping with the REMUS 600 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.