Publications and Reports

NOAA Ocean Exploration has funded numerous ocean exploration expeditions and projects since its inception in 2001. Related reports and peer-reviewed publications are available through the NOAA Library as well as the NOAA Ocean Exploration Data Atlas and NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer data landing pages, online tools that provide centralized access to NOAA Ocean Exploration data archived with NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information.

Other publications and reports (e.g., manuals, annual reports) produced by NOAA Ocean Exploration are available directly from this web page.


NOAA Ocean Exploration Library Guide

The NOAA Library maintains an online NOAA Ocean Exploration Library Guide that provides information about, and links to where available, peer-reviewed articles associated with expeditions conducted or supported by NOAA Ocean Exploration. Users can browse articles by expedition or by author. Links to other expedition-specific data, information, and products are included in the Related Links tabs.


NOAA Institutional Repository

The NOAA Institutional Repository is a digital space curated by the NOAA Libraries to collect and disseminate materials published by NOAA authors, including NOAA Ocean Exploration staff and grantees. Such materials include peer-reviewed articles, mapping data reports, expedition reports, dive summary reports, data management plans, and other NOAA Ocean Exploration-related documents.


Bibliometric Analysis of Articles Supported by NOAA Ocean Exploration

The NOAA Library performs a quarterly summary-level bibliometric analysis on known peer-reviewed journal articles produced as a result of research supported by NOAA Ocean Exploration. The bibliometric indicators in these reports are based on citations from the select group of peer-reviewed journal articles indexed by the Web of Science and therefore do not reflect citations to NOAA Ocean Exploration-supported research from peer-reviewed journals outside of the Web of Science or from other sources such as book chapters, conference proceedings, or technical reports. Send questions about the bibliometric analysis to

The most recent analysis is available from the homepage of the NOAA Library's NOAA Ocean Exploration Library Guide under Impact of NOAA Ocean Exploration.


NOAA OER Deepwater Exploration Mapping Procedures Manual

Learn about NOAA Ocean Exploration's principles and procedures for deepwater ocean exploration acoustic mapping.


NOAA Ocean Exploration Sampling Procedures Manual

The purpose of this manual is to document the sampling operations, data archiving procedures, and reporting requirements used by NOAA Ocean Exploration for expeditions on NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. While this manual is specific to NOAA Ocean Exploration, it may be useful for use on other research vessels as well. Additional guidance, standard operating procedures, and worksheets are available upon request from NOAA Ocean Exploration.


Exploration Variables Identified by NOAA Ocean Exploration

“Exploration Variables Identified by NOAA Ocean Exploration” reports on high-priority exploration variables using NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer as a case study to understand how NOAA Ocean Exploration address them through one of our primary assets.


Annual Reports

View the annual reports to learn more about our activities over the years.