May 11, 2021: Squid

An enormous school of Illex illecebrosus, the commercially important short-finned squid, surrounded the remotely operated vehicle during most of a dive in George’s Canyon, Canada, as part of the Northern Neighbors: Transboundary Exploration of Deepwater Communities expedition.

Image courtesy of Northern Neighbors: Transboundary Exploration of Deepwater Communities. Download larger version (jpg, 693 KB).

An enormous school of Illex illecebrosus, the commercially important short-finned squid, surrounded the remotely operated vehicle during most of a dive in George’s Canyon, Canada, as part of the Northern Neighbors: Transboundary Exploration of Deepwater Communities expedition. Illex squid aggregate in schools of hundreds or thousands of individuals, which is one reason they are a targeted fisheries resource.

From: A Squid’s Eye View of the Canyons.