On June 20, 2019, NOAA Ocean Exploration and partners both at sea and on shore embarked on the 100th ocean exploration expedition on NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. It was fitting that this milestone expedition to explore the deep and mostly unexplored ocean off the southeastern United States began at the hub of our nation’s space exploration program — Cape Canaveral, Florida. The Space Coast launched humans to new heights, led to advances in technologies that have changed lives, and opened our minds to unimaginable insights into our planet and universe through groundbreaking science, engineering, and compelling images. Expeditions on Okeanos Explorer and other ocean exploration programs and vessels do just that — just closer to home at new depths in our underwater backyard ocean, here on Earth.
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Video courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration.
Celebrating 100 Exploration Missions Aboard NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer
Ten Years of Collecting Ocean Exploration Data from NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer