On June 19, 2019, the Medusa camera system deployed in the Gulf of Mexico as part of the Journey into Midnight: Light and Life Below the Twilight Zone expedition captured a remarkable sight: A giant squid.
In the video, the giant squid, at least 3 to 3.7 meters (10 to 12 feet) in length, can be seen approaching the Medusa's e-jelly lure at a depth of 759 meters (2,490 feet) before realizing the e-jelly is not food and retreating. This marked the first time that a giant squid had been filmed in U.S. waters and only the second time one had been filmed alive anywhere.
Download SD version (mp4, 11.0 MB).
Video courtesy of Edie Widder and Nathan Robinson.
Here Be Monsters: We Filmed a Giant Squid in America's Backyard
NOAA-Funded Expedition Captures Rare Footage of Giant Squid in the Gulf of Mexico