December 26, 2021: Orpheus Work

WHOI engineer Casey Machado (right) and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory engineer Andy Klesh (left) work on Orpheus after its recovery from a dive to push endurance capabilities on the vehicle.

Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2021 Technology Demonstration. Download larger version (jpg, 422 KB).

In May 2021, NOAA Ocean Exploration led the 2021 Technology Demonstration on NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. The expedition provided an opportunity to test several technologies that will allow the ocean exploration community to explore deeper, farther, and more comprehensively than previously possible. One of these tools is Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s (WHOI) Orpheus class of autonomous underwater vehicles.

In this image, WHOI engineer Casey Machado (right) and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory engineer Andy Klesh (left) work on Orpheus after its recovery from a dive to push endurance capabilities on the vehicle.