November 20, 2021: Data Review

Coordinated Simultaneous Physical-Biological Sampling Using ADCP-Equipped Ocean Gliders principal investigator Wu-Jung Lee and research assistant Linda Nguyen analyze data coming in from the ship’s mounted echosounder.

Image courtesy of Coordinated Simultaneous Physical-Biological Sampling Using ADCP-Equipped Ocean Gliders. Download larger version (jpg, 2.9 MB).

Coordinated Simultaneous Physical-Biological Sampling Using ADCP-Equipped Ocean Gliders principal investigator Wu-Jung Lee and research assistant Linda Nguyen analyze data coming in from the ship’s mounted echosounder. The graphs on their screens are called echograms and can be used to identify layers of small organisms in the water column. Data from the echosounder is just one tool that the expedition team was using to ground-truth the utility of acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP)-equipped Seagliders for studying zooplankton and small fish in the water column.

From: Live! From the Field: A Successful Start.