November 6, 2021: Driftcam Recovery

In this image, a member of the glider team helps a member of the Driftcam team move the Driftcam after it was retrieved from sea.

Image courtesy of April Cook, Nova Southeastern University. Download larger version (jpg, 6.1 MB).

During the From Aggregations to Individuals: Exploring Migrating Deep-Sea Scattering Layers Through Multiscale-Multimode Technologies in the Gulf of Mexico expedition, a multi-institutional science team set sail aboard Research Vessel Point Sur from Gulfport, Mississippi, and headed towards the Gulf of Mexico’s DeSoto Canyon. The objectives of this mission, funded by NOAA Ocean Exploration, were to deploy two different autonomous sensor platforms developed as part of this project: National Geographic Society’s Driftcam and the Teledyne Webb Research Slocum glider.

In this image, a member of the glider team helps a member of the Driftcam team move the Driftcam after it was retrieved from sea.

From: Assembling and Managing a Multidisciplinary, Multi-Institutional Team.