September 8, 2021: Scale Worm

This whimsical creature is a ‘macellicephalin scale worm,’ and it was collected by remotely operated vehicle Hercules during the Benthic Communities and Their Biopharmaceutical Potential Across Mineral-Rich Marine Biomes expedition.

Image courtesy of Dr. Greg Rouse. Download larger version (jpg, 330 KB).

It is estimated that there may be millions of undescribed animal species that live in the ocean. These are animals that are not yet known to science, never before seen by humans, going about their lives while each playing an integral part in their respective ecosystems. Most of these animals that have yet to be discovered are invertebrates: worms, mollusks, crustaceans, etc. Not only are invertebrates alluring and dazzling critters, they are also extremely important for the health of the seafloor. Each species and individual has a significant role in keeping its greater ecosystem in working order.

This whimsical creature is a ‘macellicephalin scale worm,’ and it was collected by remotely operated vehicle Hercules during the Benthic Communities and Their Biopharmaceutical Potential Across Mineral-Rich Marine Biomes expedition.

From: Invertebrates of the Deep Sea.