June 2, 2021: Aircraft Photogrammetry

An example of photogrammetry work of an upside down F4U Corsair at Midway Atoll conducted by National Park Service photographer Brett Seymour as part of the Exploring the Sunken Heritage of Midway Atoll expedition.

Image courtesy of Brett Seymour, Exploring the Sunken Heritage of Midway Atoll expedition. Download larger version (jpg, 4.6 MB).

An example of photogrammetry work of an upside down F4U Corsair at Midway Atoll conducted by National Park Service photographer Brett Seymour as part of the Exploring the Sunken Heritage of Midway Atoll expedition. During this 2017 expedition, scientists explored sunken aircraft associated with the Battle of Midway, adding an important maritime heritage component to our understanding of the broader history of World War II in the Pacific. The year marked the 75th anniversary of the battle, and this project aimed to raise awareness and honor the legacy of the brave men who helped to turn the tide in the Pacific during the course of the Battle of Midway.

From: From Midway to Pearl Harbor.