April 9, 2021: Octopod

During the ninth dive of the Windows to the Deep 2019: Exploration of the Deep-sea Habitats of the Southeastern United States expedition, we encountered this octopod (Graneledone verrucosa) making its way across the seafloor.

Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Windows to the Deep 2019. Download larger version (jpg, 1.1 MB).

During the ninth dive of the Windows to the Deep 2019: Exploration of the Deep-sea Habitats of the Southeastern United States expedition, we encountered this octopod (Graneledone verrucosa) making its way across the seafloor. This octopus is nicknamed the "warty octopus" due to the cartilaginous bumps all over the mantle, head, and dorsal surface of the arms. Check out this video of the octopod.