November 30, 2020: Hydrothermal Vent Chimneys

These hydrothermal vent chimneys, seen at~2,600 meters (~1.5 miles) depth at Mata Fitu, look a lot like pine trees! Mata Fitu is a volcano located in a depression within the Northeast Lau Basin, within the Pacific Ring of Fire. During the Submarine Ring of Fire 2012: Northeast Lau Basin expedition, the team explored the volcano to learn more about its geologic origin.

Image courtesy of MARUM, University of Bremen and NOAA-Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. Download larger version (jpg, 387 KB).

These hydrothermal vent chimneys, seen at~2,600 meters (~1.5 miles) depth at Mata Fitu, look a lot like pine trees! Mata Fitu is a volcano located in a depression within the Northeast Lau Basin, within the Pacific Ring of Fire. During the Submarine Ring of Fire 2012: Northeast Lau Basin expedition, the team explored the volcano to learn more about its geologic origin.

From: A Comparison between Mata Fitu and Niua North.