July 9, 2020: Shrimp with Eggs

A gravid (with eggs) shrimp at Niua North. Niua North is an arc volcano that has forced its way up through much older crust in the Pacific Ring of Fire’s Northeast Lau Basin. It was the shallowest volcano (700 meters; 2,300 feet) explored during the Submarine Ring of Fire 2012: Northeast Lau Basin expedition.

Image courtesy of MARUM, University of Bremen and NOAA-Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. Download larger version (jpg, 478 KB).

A gravid (with eggs) shrimp at Niua North. Niua North is an arc volcano that has forced its way up through much older crust in the Pacific Ring of Fire’s Northeast Lau Basin. It was the shallowest volcano (700 meters; 2,300 feet) explored during the Submarine Ring of Fire 2012: Northeast Lau Basin expedition.

From: A Comparison between Mata Fitu and Niua North.