From left to right: Alex Herrera-Schneider, Amanda Evans, Megan Metcalfe and Louise Tizzard. Image courtesy of Paleolandscapes and the ca. 8,000 BP Shoreline of the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf. Download larger version (jpg, 129 KB).
Amanda serves as the Principal Investigator of the Paleoshorelines project. She has twenty years of experience in underwater archaeology, with almost 15 of that using marine geophysics to investigate historic shipwreck sites and submerged paleolandscapes. Amanda has experience in both commercial and research projects, including a previously funded project combining geophysical, specifically chirp sub-bottom profiler, and geotechnical data to reconstruct buried and submerged landscapes for prehistoric archaeological potential.
Louise is a marine geophysicist, working in archaeology for the last 13 years. She has experience in commercial and research projects, with a particular interest in the study of palaeolandscapes. A key research project used geophysics, including parametric sonar, and geotechnical data to study the submerged landscapes from which the submerged prehistoric material from aggregates in licence Area 240 off East Anglia were recovered.
Megan is a marine geophysicist who has spent over 9 years working in the field, both offshore on commercial survey vessels acquiring data, and also in the office carrying out the interpretation and reporting. Megan is particularly interested in the investigation of palaeolandscapes, and the use of geotechnical data in conjunction with marine geophysics to help us rebuild a picture of these submerged landscapes.
Alex is an early career archaeologist with a strong interest in maritime and underwater archaeology. She has previous offshore experience, having worked as deckhand and crew for both historic sailing vessels and modern ships. This is her first expedition as a member of the scientific crew.