Beyond the Blue:
Illuminating the Pacific
Beyond the Blue: Illuminating the Pacific is a multifaceted science campaign designed to raise collective knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of deep ocean waters in the Pacific Islands region through coordinated mapping and exploration expeditions, data management and sharing, strategic partnerships, and outreach and engagement.

Explore Campaign Activities
Below are just a few highlights of Beyond the Blue campaign activities. Visit the Beyond the Blue: Campaign Work page for a full list of what we’re up to.
Beyond the Blue is envisioned to focus on coastal and deep waters within the Pacific Islands region, from as far north as the Emperor Seamounts, as far east as French Polynesia, as far south as Tonga, and as far west as Palau and the Marianas. Much of the work under the campaign will contribute to the National Strategy for Exploring, Mapping, and Characterizing the United States Exclusive Economic Zone and Seabed 2030.