What Is Beyond the Blue?
Beyond the Blue: Illuminating the Pacific is a multifaceted science campaign designed to raise collective knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of deep ocean waters in the Pacific Islands region through coordinated mapping and exploration expeditions, data management and sharing, strategic partnerships, and outreach and engagement.

Expeditions include mapping operations using sonar systems to collect data about the seafloor, sub-bottom, and water column and exploratory missions to conduct visual surveys, collect samples, or use or test other sensors to collect information about the ocean environment.

Data management and sharing involves ensuring that the right data are being collected in formats to address science, management, and community needs, and that the data are available in ways that maintain integrity, relevance, and appropriate accessibility.

Partnerships are fundamental to the campaign, allowing for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and shared learning across organizations with an interest in ocean exploration in the Pacific Islands region.

Outreach and engagement, from events to communication and formal education efforts, provide the means for building awareness, developing relationships, and inspiring action related to campaign activities and outcomes.
Beyond the Blue was initiated by NOAA Ocean Exploration in partnership with several U.S. federal agencies, but continues to grow to include input, ideas, contributions, and activities from federal and non-federal partners, local communities, and other interested parties across the region.
With field efforts launched in 2024 and planned to continue through 2030, the Beyond the Blue campaign provides a framework for coordination and communication amongst partners and participants to improve understanding of the Pacific Islands region, and maximize resources and expertise to accomplish more together than could be done independently.
At the cornerstone of the campaign are mapping and exploratory operations on NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer and work being conducted in the region by the NOAA Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute . Work on these vessels is intended to serve as the catalyst for additional operations, collaborations, and projects that will leave a legacy of ocean data, knowledge, and resources for the Pacific Islands region.
From closing gaps in seafloor mapping data to increasing our understanding of diverse ecosystems, dynamic geological environments, and cultural and maritime heritage resources, campaign activities will address science exploration themes and priorities put forward by scientists, resource managers, local communities, and other interested parties.
Beyond the Blue Goals and Objectives
Beyond the Blue aims to bring together, coordinate, and amplify resources, data, expertise, knowledge, and connections needed to increase understanding and appreciation of the vast waters that make up the Pacific Islands region.
Map unknown areas of the ocean in support of the National Ocean Mapping, Exploration and Characterization strategy, Seabed 2030, and safe navigation.
Locate and characterize diverse ecosystems to gain new insights into patterns and connectivity of marine life to better understand how these ecosystems are responding to environmental change and other stressors.
Provide baseline data and information for decision makers to inform effective management of marine resources and ecosystems and improved taxonomic characterization of undescribed organisms to build reference libraries.
Support professional development including science educators across the Pacific Islands region to increase ocean literacy.
Engage broad audiences through outreach activities, robust community engagement, and educational opportunities that inspire and prepare the next generation of ocean professionals.
Increase understanding of maritime cultural heritage in the region through archaeological investigation and the discovery of missing ships and aircraft.
Support innovative technology testing and operationalization to improve understanding of the ocean on Earth and oceans on other planets.
Archive data and samples in public repositories with robust metadata and generate accessible products that support local community needs, as appropriate.
Enhance our ability to model and predict sensitive marine habitats, marine geohazards, oceanographic conditions, seafloor composition, and marine resources.
Beyond the Blue is envisioned to focus on coastal and deep waters within the Pacific Islands region, from as far north as the Emperor Seamounts, as far east as French Polynesia, as far south as Tonga, and as far west as Palau and the Marianas. Much of the work under the campaign will contribute to the National Strategy for Exploring, Mapping, and Characterizing the United States Exclusive Economic Zone and Seabed 2030.