The Oreo Fish: July 12, 2021


“Oreo” is a common name for a group of deep-sea fishes in the family Oreostomatidae. Most species are found in the Southern Ocean on continental slopes and seamounts. Their body form and behavior suggest they could be at home on any shallow tropical coral reef, amongst the triggerfish and butterflyfish, but we often see them while exploring the deep ocean. During 2021 North Atlantic Stepping Stones expedition dives in the Corner Seamounts region in the North Atlantic, scientists observed one species observed repeatedly - the false boarfish, Neocyttus helgae.

The oreo fish in this video was seen during the ninth dive of the expedition, the first of two dives on Yakutat Seamount.


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Video courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2021 North Atlantic Stepping Stones: New England and Corner Rise Seamounts.



For More Information

Video Feature: It’s a Cookie...It’s a Fish...Meet the Seamount Oreos

Dive 09: Yakutat Seamount - Shallow