October 14, 2021: Shipwreck Exploration

During Dive 07 of the Gulf of Mexico 2017 expedition, remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer explored an unknown shipwreck identified by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management simply as “ID Number 15377.”

Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, Gulf of Mexico 2017. Download larger version (jpg, 335 KB).

During Dive 07 of the Gulf of Mexico 2017 expedition, remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer explored an unknown shipwreck identified by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management simply as “ID Number 15377.” The team conducted a full survey of the wreck, collected imagery to generate a 3D mosaic survey, and documented biology living on the wreck. Based on initial observations, archaeologists believe the shipwreck likely post-dates 1830 and may have been a merchant ship built for distance over speed.