September 5, 2021: Crinoid

This 10-armed yellow crinoid was seen at a depth of approximately 750 meters (2,460 feet) during a 2019 Southeastern U.S. Deep-sea Exploration dive on a ridge topped with a series of mounds that may mark the eastern extent of the Million Mounds area on the edge of the Stetson Miami Terrace Deep Water Coral Habitat Area of Particular Concern.

Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2019 Southeastern U.S. Deep-sea Exploration. Download larger version (jpg, 1.3 MB).

This 10-armed yellow crinoid was seen at a depth of approximately 750 meters (2,460 feet) during a 2019 Southeastern U.S. Deep-sea Exploration dive on a ridge topped with a series of mounds that may mark the eastern extent of the Million Mounds area on the edge of the Stetson Miami Terrace Deep Water Coral Habitat Area of Particular Concern.