August 8, 2021: Sea Star

This sea star was seen draped over a ledge during a dive off Puerto Rico to investigate the top of a Late Oligocene to Pilocene platform carbonate sequence and a relatively minor fault scarp during the Océano Profundo 2015: Exploring Puerto Rico’s Seamounts, Trenches, and Troughs expedition.

Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, Océano Profundo 2015: Exploring Puerto Rico’s Seamounts, Trenches, and Troughs. Download larger version (jpg, 1.1 MB).

This sea star was seen draped over a ledge during a dive off Puerto Rico to investigate the top of a Late Oligocene to Pilocene platform carbonate sequence and a relatively minor fault scarp during the Océano Profundo 2015: Exploring Puerto Rico’s Seamounts, Trenches, and Troughs expedition. The team saw a high level of biodiversity throughout the dive, from coral, sponges, fish, and other invertebrates. Check out a highlight video from the dive.