June 12, 2021: Hydrothermal Vent

In this image, black smoke from the top of a chimney is carried “downwind“ by the strong current in the vent field.

Image courtesy of MARUM, University of Bremen and NOAA-Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. Download larger version (jpg, 387 KB).

During the Submarine Ring of Fire 2012: Northeast Lau Basin expedition, scientists discovered a spectacular black smoker vent at Niua South Volcano consisting of a cluster of about 20 active chimneys that had all grown together. The remotely operated vehicle sampled vent fluids and gases coming out of the chimneys and collected a few pieces from the chimneys. Animals living at the vent included two species of shrimp, two species of snails, limpets, scaleworms, crabs, squat lobsters, eelpouts, and barnacles. The team had discovered yet another spectacular oasis in the deep sea!

In this image, black smoke from the top of a chimney is carried “downwind“ by the strong current in the vent field.

From: New Black Smokers Sampled at Niua South Volcano.