May 19, 2021: Sampling a Chimney Vent

Remotely operated vehicle Quest 4000 prepares to use a “gas-tight“ vent fluid sampler at a spectacular black smoker vent consisting of a cluster of about 20 active chimneys that was discovered in the Niua South volcano during the Submarine Ring of Fire 2012: Northeast Lau Basin expedition.

Image courtesy of MARUM, University of Bremen and NOAA-Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. Download larger version (jpg, 384 KB).

Remotely operated vehicle Quest 4000 prepares to use a “gas-tight“ vent fluid sampler at a spectacular black smoker vent consisting of a cluster of about 20 active chimneys that was discovered in the Niua South volcano during the Submarine Ring of Fire 2012: Northeast Lau Basin expedition. The expedition team measured the peak temperature at the largest chimney to be 315°C (599°F), consistent with the boiling temperature at that depth.

From: New Black Smokers Sampled at Niua South Volcano.