March 23, 2021: Sea Stars and Coral

An asteroschematid snake star coiled among the branches of a small plexaurid octocoral surrounded by the spiny arms of large Novodinia brisingid sea stars on a craggy carbonate pinnacle.

Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Gulf of Mexico 2017. Download larger version (jpg, 2.0 MB).

An asteroschematid snake star coiled among the branches of a small plexaurid octocoral surrounded by the spiny arms of large Novodinia brisingid sea stars on a craggy carbonate pinnacle. Discovered during Dive 13 of the Gulf of Mexico 2017 expedition at a site named Tunica Mound at a depth of 401 meters (1,315 feet).

From: Gulf of Mexico 2017: Highlight Images.