October 20, 2020: Cave Diver

Diver Tom Iliffe explores Deep Blue Cave, Walsingham System, off of Bermuda. The goal of the Bermuda Deep Water Caves 2011: Dives of Discovery expedition was to explore and characterize the upper edge of the Bermuda Platform and an adjacent mid-ocean seamount to confirm the existence of deepwater (60 to 200-meter/197 to 656-foot depth) caves. The third and final phase of the project involved having highly skilled technical divers examine any deepwater caves and surrounding rock found during the first two phases.

Image courtesy of Jill Heinerth, Bermuda Deep Water Caves 2011 Exploration, NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research. Download larger version (jpg, 669 KB).

Diver Tom Iliffe explores Deep Blue Cave, Walsingham System, off of Bermuda. The goal of the Bermuda Deep Water Caves 2011: Dives of Discovery expedition was to explore and characterize the upper edge of the Bermuda Platform and an adjacent mid-ocean seamount to confirm the existence of deepwater (60 to 200-meter/197 to 656-foot depth) caves. The third and final phase of the project involved having highly skilled technical divers examine any deepwater caves and surrounding rock found during the first two phases.

From: Photo Dive.