October 11, 2020: Video Shading

Video Engineer Brian Doros controlling video shading during a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dive conducted from NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer during the Deep Connections 2019 expedition. Video shading refers to the task of controlling the ROV cameras to ensure that images are well lit and in focus.

Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Deep Connections 2019. Download larger version (jpg, 4.8 MB).

Video Engineer Brian Doros with the Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration controlling video shading during a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dive conducted from NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer during the Deep Connections 2019 expedition. Video shading refers to the task of controlling the ROV cameras to ensure that images are well lit and in focus.

The video shader also has the ability to zoom the cameras in on certain subjects, which is often done when a scientist requests a close up of an organism needed to help in species identification. The video shader works in partnership with the ROV pilot, who needs to position the ROV, keep it steady, and control the tilt of the lens in order to allow the video shader to do his work. Good communication between the ROV pilot and the video shader allows the two of them to create a great video image that is both beautiful and useful to the science team...and is key to the beautiful highlight videos that are developed and shared for each expedition.

From: Behind the Scenes With the Video Team.