Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the Windows to the Deep expedition that took place July 22 – August 3, 2003. Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information. If a picture of a slideshow icon
is present, a visual log of exploration images can be viewed. You can scroll through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow.
Video & Slideshows

July 25
Slideshow of Alvin recovery from dive 3909.

August 1
A transect from northeast to southwest across a small diapir within the Cape Fear slide scar.

August 1
Students returning from their first Alvin dive.

August 1
Rock from southeastern slope of the Cape Fear Diapir.

August 1
A mud chimney encountered during Dive 3914.

July 31
The 20 science party member

July 31
Map of the Cape Fear slide

July 31
A push core being inserted into muddy sediment.

July 31
Mark, Alex, and, Pat standing in front of DSV Alvin.

July 31
Alvin pilot Bruce Strickrott in the top lab

July 31
John Braxton during his first Alvin dive.

July 30
Megan Ward and John Braxton, before their dive in Alvin.

July 30
Distribution of clam patches on the seafloor

July 30
A field of mussels and the bucket of rabbit chow.

July 30
Ice shrimp.

July 30
Methane bubbles rising in the water column as a push core was inserted.

July 30
Zinc sulfide collected in the bottom of test tubes.

July 30
A push core being taken by Alvin’s manipulator.

July 29
Seabeam bathymetric map near the Cape Fear submarine slide and the Cape Fear salt diapir.

July 29
Dive track of the DVS Alvin

July 29
A large purple octopus.

July 29
Authigenic carbonate rock collected on the Blake Ridge Diapir.

July 29
Alvin’s manipulators collecting a rock at the Cape Fear Diapir.

July 29
Bacterial mat at Blake Ridge Diapir.

July 28
Dorsal (top) view of the anterior (front) end of the new nautiliniellid polychaete.

uly 28
Ventral (bottom) view of anterior (front) end of the new nautiliniellid polychaete.

July 28
Three live nautiliniellid worms in the mantle cavity of the clam.

July 28
Simple hooked chaetae in anterior segments.

July 28
Trifurcate chaetae in posterior segments.

July 28
Trifurcate (3-branched) chaetae on posterior segments.

July 28
Riftia tubeworms, mussels, and scavenging crabs at a hydrothermal vent.

July 28
Live nautiliniellid worm.

July 28
Chaetopterid polychaete removed from parchment-like tube.

July 27
Carolyn and Anne standing on Alvin catwalk after a dive.

July 27
Push core inserted into a bed of vesicomyid clams.

July 27
Taylor sorting push cores taken from vesicomyid clam beds.

July 27
Giant mussel.

July 27
Dissecting vesicomyid clams.

July 27
Discussing a profile of the Blake Ridge Diapir.

July 27
Cross-section of a female vesicomyid clam.

July 27
Muscle in a vesicomyid foot.

July 27
Epithelium of vesicomyid clam gill covered with cilia.

July 27
Epithelium of vesicomyid clam gill covered with cilia.

July 26
Seabeam survey of the Blake Ridge Diapir.

July 26
Map of the Blake Ridge Diapir.

July 26
Bed of adult and juvenile mussels.

July 26
Taylor holding a push core from the submersible Alivn.

July 25
Push core inserted in sediment.

July 25
Sponge encrusted rock collected at the Blake Ridge.

July 25
Examining a rock collected from approximately 3400 m water depth.

July 25
Educator Specialist Margaret Olsen on top of the DSV Alvin.

July 24
Seabeam survey of the northeastern flank (side) of Blake Ridge.

July 24
Push cores assembled in Alvin’s basket.

July 24
Assembling ‘squeezers’ used to extract pore water from sediment samples.

July 24
Bathymetric location map of the Blake Ridge study area.

July 24
Seismic data obtained over the Dive site during the Blake 2000 cruise.

July 23
Trying on the emergency breathing apparatus .

July 23
Assembling the push core.

July 23
Nezumia foraging along the edge of a basalt outcrop.