Britainy Coast

The French coast at Britainy is a welcome sight after three weeks of rough seas. Click image for larger view.

Mission Log

June 4, 2002

Dr. Chris Fox, Principal Investigator
Sound in the Sea Project
NOAA/PMEL, Newport, Oregon

The irony of going to sea is that after more than two weeks of high seas, you always get good weather as you head for home. We are on our way back to Brest, France, after having successfully installed all six hydrophones near where we had originally planned. Now, the weather is nearly perfect. We were unable to communicate with any of the six acoustic releases after their deployment, which is a cause for some concern. But we will be prepared to locate and recover them next year.

Post Cruise Party

Scientists, officers, and crew having a post-cruise party on the after deck of Le Suroit. Click image for larger view.

The scientists, officers, and crew all had a grand soiree to celebrate the successful completion of the mission. We had an outdoor barbeque with french wine and a delicious port courtesy of our Portugese colleagues. The final day was spent packing the gear and preparing to unload. We will recover these instruments next September and get our first look (listen?) at this region of the North Atlantic. We will post the results on this Web site.




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