Photo & Video Log

This page contains photos and videos taken during the Deep Coral SeaBED Photographic Survey 2009 Exploration in March 2009. Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information. If a movie camera icon camera icon is present, a QuickTime video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Other video formats are available on the linked pages. If a Podcast icon Podcast Icon is present, a video or audio file is available for download or you can subscribe to the RSS Podcast Feed. NOAA Podcast RSS 2.0 Feed

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(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.


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Close-up of a tripod at 1960 meters depth in the Northeast Providence Channel near Eleuthera Island.

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View a slideshow of The Bahamas Deep-Sea Exploration 2009.





Several brittle stars have their arms wrapped around the branches of an octocorallian sea fan.

Mission Summary
Several brittle stars have their arms wrapped around the branches of an octocorallian sea fan. (HR)

A bathymetric map of the northern Bahamas.

Mission Summary
A bathymetric map of the northern Bahamas.(HR)

A red Paragorgia coral - being overgrown by a yellow zoanthid.

Mission Summary
A red Paragorgia coral - being overgrown by a yellow zoanthid.(HR)

A red Paragorgia coral with a pink brittle star at 1154 meters depth on the Bahama Escarpment.

Mission Summary
A red Paragorgia coral at 1154 meters depth on the Bahama Escarpment. (HR)

A sea spider creeps along the top of ridge at 1960 meters depth in the Northeast Providence Channel near Eleuthera Island.

Mission Summary
A sea spider creeps along the top of ridge at 1960 meters depth in the Northeast Providence Channel. (HR)



A candelabra-shaped bamboo coral.

A candelabra-shaped bamboo coral growing at 1265 meters depth. (HR)

An ophidioid fish swims near a bamboo coral.

An ophidioid fish swims near a bamboo coral at the edge of a steep wall at 1245 meters depth. (HR)

Large branching bamboo corals.

Large branching bamboo corals. (HR)

A candelabra-shaped bamboo coral.

A candelabra-shaped bamboo coral - with 7 spider-like galatheid crabs on its branches. (HR)

A whip-like colony of a bamboo coral extends more than 2 meters from the face of a ledge.

A whip-like colony of a bamboo coral extends more than 2 meters from the face of a ledge at 1700 meters depth. (HR)

An anglerfish swims up from its typical resting place on the bottom. This photo was taken at ~1400 meters depth in Exuma Sound.

An anglerfish swims up from its typical resting place on the bottom at ~1400 meters depth in Exuma Sound. (HR)

A collection of octocorals.

A collection of octocorals (left to right: Candidella, Chrysogorgia, Metallogorgia.) (HR)

The upper 12 inches of a snake-shaped bamboo-coral.

The upper 12 inches of a snake-shaped bamboo-coral colony is collected by the manipulator arm of the ROV Global Explorer at 1550 m depth. (HR)

A red galatheid crab.

A red galatheid crab, perches on a black coral at 1470 meters depth on the Bahama Escarpment. (HR)

A spiraling bamboo coral grows upward off a vertical wall.

A spiraling bamboo coral grows upward off a vertical wall at 1500 meters depth; pink brittle stars, and a large white sponge grows behind it. (HR)

A galatheid crab

A galatheid crab hangs on to a bamboo coral at 1290 meters depth in the Northeast Providence Channel near Whale Cay. (HR)

Close-up of a tripod at 1960 meters depth.

Two tripod fish sit facing into the current on the top of ridge at 1960 meters depth in the Northeast Providence Channel near Eleuthera Island. (HR)

Large branching bamboo corals flank a delicate chrysogorgiid coral.

Large branching bamboo corals flank a delicate chrysogorgiid coral, Metallogorgia melanotrichos. (HR)





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