Other Resources and Links

http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/ - Website for NOAA’s Ocean Exploration program

http://olympiccoast.noaa.gov/ - Web site for the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary

http://www.nccos.noaa.gov/ - Web site for the NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, which conduct and support research, monitoring, assessments, and technical assistance for coastal stewardship and management; and participated in the Olympic Coast Deep Corals Expedition

http://www.nurp.noaa.gov/ - Web site for the National Undersea Research Program, which provides scientists with the tools and expertise for investigations in the undersea environment, including submersibles, remotely operated vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles, mixed gas diving gear, underwater laboratories and observatories, and other cutting-edge technologies

http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov/ - Web site for the Northwest Fisheries Science Center, which studies living marine resources and their habitats in the Northeast Pacific Ocean and in freshwater rivers and streams in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.

http://www.ropos.com/ exit icon - Web site for the Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility, owner of ROPOS

http://lophelia.org/ exit icon - Web site for Lophelia.org, an information resource on the cold-water coral ecosystems of the deep ocean

Pickrell, J. 2004. Trawlers Destroying Deep-Sea Reefs, Scientists Say.

National Geographic News. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/02/0219_040219_seacorals.html exit icon

http://www.mcbi.org/what/current.htm exit icon - A special issue of Current: the Journal of Marine Education on deep-sea corals.

Morgan, L. E. 2005. What are deep-sea corals? Current 21(4):2-4; available online at http://www.mcbi.org/what/what_pdfs/Current_Magazine/What_are_DSC.pdf exit icon

Frame, C. and H. Gillelan. 2005. Threats to deep-sea corals and their conservation in U.S. waters. Current 21(4):46-47; available online at http://www.mcbi.org/what/what_pdfs/Current_Magazine/Threats_Conservation.pdf exit icon

Roberts, S. and M. Hirshfield. Deep Sea Corals:  Out of sight but no longer out of mind. http://www.oceana.org/fileadmin/oceana/uploads/reports/oceana_coral_report_final.pdf exit icon

http://www.oceanicresearch.org/ exit icon - The Oceanic Research Group Web site; lots of photos, but note that they are very explicit about their copyrights; check out Cnidarians: Simple but Deadly Animals! by Jonathan Bird, which provides an easy introduction designed for classroom use

http://www.mesa.edu.au/friends/seashores/index.html exit icon -  Life on Australian Seashores by Keith Davey on the Marine Education Society of Australasia Web site, with an easy introduction to Cnidaria, including their method of reproduction.

http://www-biol.paisley.ac.uk/courses/Tatner/biomedia/units/cnid1.htm exit icon Phylum Cnidaria on Biomedia of the Glasgow University Zoological Museum on the Biological Sciences, University of Paisley, Scotland Web site; includes explanations of the major classes, a glossary of terms and diagrams and photos.

http://www.calacademy.org/calwild/2000fall/stories/seavenoms.html exit icon - Article from California Wild: Stinging Seas - Tread Softly in Tropical Waters by Gary C. Williams; an introduction to the venomous nature of tropical cnidarians, why and how they do it

http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/gallery/livingocean/livingocean_coral.html - Ocean Explorer photograph gallery

- Online video of deep-sea corals from the Ocean Explorer 2002 Gulf of Alaska Expedition


For More Information

Contact Paula Keener-Chavis, national education coordinator for the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration, for more information.

Other lesson plans developed for this Web site are available in the Education Section.