Mission Plan
Mission Plan


The Cannon Cat
The Cannon Cat




platform over Wotan

The platform on which the turret will rest when it is lifted is shown here. It is being readied for deployment into the water. Click image for larger view and detailed explanation.

platform in water with diver

Here, a diver signals that the platform is ready to be lowered into the deep water. Click image for larger view and detailed explanation.

Turret Support Platform Deployed

July 22, 2002

John Broadwater
Monitor National Marine Sanctuary

On July 22, at 1:20 pm, U.S. Navy personnel working with Manson Gulf riggers on the Derrick Barge Wotan lowered the turret support platform to the seabed. The platform is sitting just aft of the turret, over which the lifting frame—the “Spider”—has already been placed.

Following placement of the platform, Navy divers resumed the difficult task of installing the Spider into final position over the turret (see July 17). They are encountering literally tons of coal, crusty lumps of sand and iron concretion, and heavy wrought ironrods that once supported the awning over the turret. The job requires a variety of tools, including air lifts, water lifts, and a high-pressure water jet.

When the turret is lifted, the Spider, with the turret inside, will be secured to the platform before the final lift to the surface. The platform will support the base of the inverted turret and help ensure that the roof remains in place.


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