Submarine Ring of Fire 2012: NE Lau Basin

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The inset in the top left shows the SRoF’12 - NE Lau basin proposed remotely operated vehicle dive sites (black boxes), and expedition track (arrows).  The main map area shows the possible dive sites (black dots) at major features of interest including the North Matas, West and East Mata, Niua, Volcano O, Northeast Lau Spreading Center (NELSC), and the Mangatolu Triple Junction (MTJ) North.

September 9 - 26, 2012

Submarine Ring of Fire 2012: NE Lau Basin is the latest in a series of expeditions to explore the submarine volcanoes of the Western Pacific. An interdisciplinary team of 27 scientists and technical experts from the United States, New Zealand and Australia will work closely with a team from the MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences External Link from the University of Bremen (Federal Republic of Germany) to utilize the remotely operated vehicle Quest 4000 to explore and collect samples at volcanic vents and hot springs. Our primary objective will be to explore and to characterize the unique ecosystems in the NE Lau basin through examination of their geology, chemistry, and macro- and micro- biology. Read more...

You can access the Ocean Explorer Submarine Ring of Fire 2012 News Feed here: NOAA RSS 2.0 Feed

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squat lobster in Lophelia coral

Daily logs from Submarine Ring of Fire 2012 will be found here when the expedition begins on September 9.

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