Connecting to EX Cruise Data Using a Web Browser

This page includes instructions on how to connect to EX cruise data using a web browser. Chrome is the preferred web broswer. Other web browsers may also work but are not regularly tested.

Access  through Chrome.

Please provide user name: [username] and your [password] to authenticate.

user authentication


The cruise listing will be shown as shown below. To download a particular file, Right click on the file and select ‘Save link as..’

save link as..


To download multiple files, move your mouse over the name of the file and select it. A select mark will appear to the left of the file name. The data files that are selected can then be downloaded using download icon on top left of the window (highlighted in image below). A zipped file containing the selected files will be downloaded. The same process can be applied to data folders if multiple folders need to be downloaded.



Currently, it is not possible to upload a file to the cruise data list using a web browser. To upload a file, please use an FTP server (e.g., FileZilla).