Oreo fish, also known as false boarfish, were seen throughout Dive 08 of the 2021 North Atlantic Stepping Stones expedition. This one was observed at a depth of 1,220 meters (4,003 feet). During this dive, we saw the most fish observed during an expedition dive thus far, including sightings of several dogfish and rat tails.
Oreo Fish
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2021 North Atlantic Stepping Stones: New England and Corner Rise Seamounts. Download larger version (jpg, 880 KB).

Oreo fish, also known as false boarfish, were seen throughout Dive 08 of the 2021 North Atlantic Stepping Stones expedition. This one was observed at a depth of 1,220 meters (4,003 feet). During this dive, we saw the most fish observed during an expedition dive thus far, including sightings of several dogfish and rat tails.

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