Image of the general purpose transceiver (GPT) (bottom, grey box) and the wide band transceiver (WBT) (top, black box) on NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. This WBT controls the 38 kilohertz frequency and was upgraded from a GPT in 2021.
General Purpose Transceiver (bottom, grey box) and the Wide Band Transceiver (top, black box)
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2021 EM 304 Sea Acceptance Testing and Mapping Shakedown. Download larger version (jpg, 1.6 MB).
Image of the general purpose transceiver (GPT) (bottom, grey box) and the wide band transceiver (WBT) (top, black box) on NOAA ShipOkeanos Explorer. This WBT controls the 38 kilohertz frequency and was upgraded from a GPT in 2021.
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