Captain Eric Boget from the Coordinated Simultaneous Physical-Biological Sampling Using ADCP-Equipped Ocean Gliders expedition communicates with a moored echosounder system that is attached to the seafloor. This box allows the team to communicate with an acoustic release device that is connected to the echosounder that they would like to recover. Once Eric sends the signal (an acoustic ping at a specific frequency) down to the acoustic release, the echosounder will pop to the water’s surface.
Communicating with the Acoustic Release
Image courtesy of Coordinated Simultaneous Physical-Biological Sampling Using ADCP-Equipped Ocean Gliders. Download largest version (jpg, 2.8 MB).

Captain Eric Boget from the Coordinated Simultaneous Physical-Biological Sampling Using ADCP-Equipped Ocean Gliders expedition communicates with a moored echosounder system that is attached to the seafloor. This box allows the team to communicate with an acoustic release device that is connected to the echosounder that they would like to recover. Once Eric sends the signal (an acoustic ping at a specific frequency) down to the acoustic release, the echosounder will pop to the water’s surface.