A basaltic rock protruding from the soft sediment bottom of Noyes Canyon provided the perfect substrate for a diverse collection of species to settle. Here you can see a collection of anemone species, including multiple venus flytrap anemones (Actinoscyphia aurelia), a bright orange brisingid sea star, a deep-sea octopus, and a grenadier fish that was curious about the camera. This image was captured during Dive 12 of the Seascape Alaska expedition.
Diverse Collection of Life
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, Seascape Alaska. Download larger version (jpg, 1.3 MB).

A basaltic rock protruding from the soft sediment bottom of Noyes Canyon provided the perfect substrate for a diverse collection of species to settle. Here you can see a collection of anemone species, including multiple venus flytrap anemones (Actinoscyphia aurelia), a bright orange brisingid sea star, a deep-sea octopus, and a grenadier fish that was curious about the camera. This image was captured during Dive 12 of the Seascape Alaska expedition.