A deep-sea skate egg case attached to a white sponge by thin, black, thread-like fibers. The sponge also had a collection of crinoids, also known as feather stars, perched atop it as well. This was seen during Dive 08 of the Seascape Alaska 5 expedition to Denson Seamount.
Skate Egg Case
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, Seascape Alaska. Download larger version (jpg, 4.1 MB).

A deep-sea skate egg case attached to a white sponge by thin, black, thread-like fibers. The sponge also had a collection of crinoids, also known as feather stars, perched atop it as well. This was seen during Dive 08 of the Seascape Alaska 5 expedition to Denson Seamount.