WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:34.653 Unknown Aloha. Hau’olelo o ka la. Kāpena. Kāpena. Hello. My name is Tony Perry. I'm the captain of the ship. I'm responsible for everything that happens on board the ship. Whether it's getting to a location, the weather, or making sure that everyone is safe, and the science that we do. I love being on the water. I really enjoy visiting all the different islands in the Pacific. 00:00:34.923 --> 00:00:57.153 Unknown So far, I've visited about 50 islands, from Guam to Saipan to American Samoa. And every single one of the Hawaiian Islands. I really enjoy it. Hopefully one day you'll be able to join me on one of the expeditions. Thank you.