The majority of outcrops observed during Dive 08 of the 2023 Shakedown + EXPRESS West Coast Exploration expedition contained what appeared to be vacant bivalve boreholes, which was confirmed by scattered shell remnants and lack of holes in eroded areas. These holes provided ideal homes for a variety of organisms, such as sea stars and squat lobsters.
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2023 Shakedown + EXPRESS: West Coast Exploration. Download larger version (jpg, 1.56 MB).

The majority of outcrops observed during Dive 08 of the 2023 Shakedown + EXPRESS West Coast Exploration expedition contained what appeared to be vacant bivalve boreholes, which was confirmed by scattered shell remnants and lack of holes in eroded areas. These holes provided ideal homes for a variety of organisms, such as sea stars and squat lobsters.