More tools, more data! NOAA Ocean Exploration is always looking for ways to collect more data. During the 2022 Puerto Rico Mapping and Deep-Sea Camera Demonstration, we're working with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) to test two of their deep-sea camera systems. Cameras like these will allow us to collect images and video of the seafloor and water column while also conducting mapping operations. Here, a WHOI researcher demonstrates the deep-sea still camera to other expedition members.
Camera Demonstration
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2022 Puerto Rico Mapping and Deep-Sea Camera Demonstration.
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More tools, more data! NOAA Ocean Exploration is always looking for ways to collect more data. During the 2022 Puerto Rico Mapping and Deep-Sea Camera Demonstration, we're working with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) to test two of their deep-sea camera systems. Cameras like these will allow us to collect images and video of the seafloor and water column while also conducting mapping operations. Here, a WHOI researcher demonstrates the deep-sea still camera to other expedition members.