During Dive 02 of the 2022 ROV and Mapping shakedown, we explored the wreck of what is likely a 19th century whaler. Seen here are the remains of the ship's tryworks, a furnace that was used to render whale blubber into oil, and an anchor, as well as two fish that resemble a species commonly associated with shipwrecks.
Tryworks and Anchor
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2022 ROV and Mapping Shakedown.
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During Dive 02 of the 2022 ROV and Mapping Shakedown, we explored the wreck of what is likely a 19th century whaler. Seen here are the remains of the ship's tryworks, a furnace that was used to render whale blubber into oil, and an anchor, as well as two fish that resemble a species commonly associated with shipwrecks.