During Dive 03 of the 2022 ROV and Mapping Shakedown, remotely operated vehicle (ROV) pilots practiced with and tested ROV Deep Discoverer’s manipulator arm and temperature probe. We use the temperature probe to learn more about the biology and chemistry of the deep-sea environment, especially around hydrothermal vents, brine pools, and where hot water may be escaping from the seafloor.
Temperature Probe
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, 2022 ROV and Mapping Shakedown.
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During Dive 03 of the 2022 ROV and Mapping Shakedown, remotely operated vehicle (ROV) pilots practiced with and tested ROV Deep Discoverer’s manipulator arm and temperature probe. We use the temperature probe to learn more about the biology and chemistry of the deep-sea environment, especially around hydrothermal vents, brine pools, and where hot water may be escaping from the seafloor.