Remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer moves across a field of bedforms or ripples on a flat area of Kelvin Seamount during our 2014 dive. Geologists and oceanographers can learn quite a bit about the current conditions of an area by studying the size and shape of ripples such as these.
Deep Discoverer on a Field of Ripples
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, Our Deepwater Backyard: Exploring Atlantic Canyons and Seamounts 2014. Download largest version (jpg, 1.3 MB).

Remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer moves across a field of bedforms or ripples on a flat area of Kelvin Seamount during our 2014 dive. Geologists and oceanographers can learn quite a bit about the current conditions of an area by studying the size and shape of ripples such as these.

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