WEBVTT 1 00:00:06.200 --> 00:00:10.200 Whoa! A big black coral with a bunch of squat lobsters. 2 00:00:14.880 --> 00:00:19.000 So I think this could be known as what is a Leoipathes. 3 00:00:20.040 --> 00:00:22.880 So a black coral with yellow tissue. 4 00:00:23.040 --> 00:00:31.440 So underneath, you have that black proteinous skeleton, but you have that soft, orange tissue on the outside. 5 00:00:35.600 --> 00:00:42.320 And it definitely seems to be the habitat of choice for those squat lobsters and a bunch of those flytrap anemones. 6 00:00:46.080 --> 00:00:51.480 So you can see in the background, those particles moving through the water, just how quickly that current is rushing. 7 00:00:52.800 --> 00:00:54.360 The squat lobsters are holding on tight. Yes, they are. 8 00:01:02.200 --> 00:01:07.800 We've mentioned that some of these black corals that we've seen can be thousands of years old. 9 00:01:09.760 --> 00:01:12.480 Over 4,000 years old. Wow. For one individual. 10 00:01:12.960 --> 00:01:17.640 So we often talk about these coral mounds and how old the mound itself can be, 11 00:01:18.400 --> 00:01:25.600 but when you look at those black corals, that one coral has been growing and alive for that long. 12 00:01:26.080 --> 00:01:34.200 That's just amazing. It's truly...yeah, it's hard, I think, for us to conceptualize sometimes how old these animals can be.