WEBVTT 00:00:07.122 --> 00:00:11.520 Geez. Talk about a Dr.Suess-like landscape. 00:00:12.318 --> 00:00:13.880 Wow! Look at this. 00:00:15.238 --> 00:00:18.420 This is amazing. If we could just hold this scene for a moment. 00:00:19.734 --> 00:00:20.610 Wow. 00:00:21.989 --> 00:00:23.740 This is attack of the sponges, here. 00:00:24.638 --> 00:00:28.570 You wanted sponges, Chris. Yeah, I got them. That's, well, okay. I got 'em. 00:00:30.580 --> 00:00:35.270 The great thing about this that I love is the way that they're all oriented directly into the current. 00:00:39.131 --> 00:00:40.110 This one looks like a Muppet. 00:00:43.016 --> 00:00:48.610 This is why sometimes I think these sponges, when you come up against something like this, you think you're on a different planet. 00:00:50.083 --> 00:00:51.910 Just so strange. 00:00:53.793 --> 00:00:55.670 Wow. It goes on and on, too. 00:00:57.073 --> 00:01:05.350 Every time we do these dives, all I can think about is, this is the type of experience someone would have if they found life on another planet, 00:01:05.550 --> 00:01:10.520 everything is so alien, at least for me, even though I've been doing it for five years, 00:01:10.720 --> 00:01:13.670 it's still like I'm on another planet when we're down here. 00:01:14.712 --> 00:01:19.080 Yeah, and it's definitely the same for me as well, pilot, because even though I work on these sponges, 00:01:19.280 --> 00:01:21.490 a scene like this is just extraordinary. 00:01:23.479 --> 00:01:25.020 And I'll toss my hat into the ring, too. 00:01:25.220 --> 00:01:28.260 as a person who studies echinoderms, which are even more bizarre, 00:01:28.460 --> 00:01:31.300 these things just stun me. 00:01:33.541 --> 00:01:34.730 Like a forest of the weird.