Mapping Operations
July 20, 2017

Today’s dive was again cancelled as the remotely operated vehicle team completed repairs to the .68 cable in preparation for tomorrow’s dive. The onboard mapping team was prepared to collect data for the scientific community. Due to the remoteness of its location, mapping data of the remote parts of the Johnston Atoll Unit have been very hard to get. Only limited data sets are available in the area, apart from occasional transit data and data acquired by NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer in 2015 and R/V Falkor in 2016 as part of CAPSTONE. The ship spent the day completing mapping an unnamed seamount located to the west of “Keli” Ridge and acquiring data to spatially connect the earlier datasets from Falkor and Okeanos. The data revealed a seamount with its top at depth of 2,000 meters (6,561 feet), and the combined bathymetry showed that “Keli” Ridge and the two seamounts to the west – an unnamed seamount and “Edmondson” seamount – are geologically connected. After completion of mapping in this area, the ship transited west to begin mapping of another unnamed seamount.