Sunlight does not penetrate the deep sea. Remotely operated vehicles Deep Discoverer (pictured here, at ~360 meters depth at the Aunuʻu Unit of National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa) and Seirios have multiple lights – over 40 lights between the two robots – that allow researchers to see in the deep ocean.
Multiple Lights
Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Mountains in the Deep: Exploring the Central Pacific Basin. Download larger version (jpg, 329 KB).

Sunlight does not penetrate the deep sea. Remotely operated vehicles Deep Discoverer (pictured here, at ~360 meters depth at the Aunuʻu Unit of National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa) and Seirios have multiple lights – over 40 lights between the two robots – that allow researchers to see in the deep ocean.

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