Volcano Fish
Video courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, 2015 Hohonu Moana. Download (mp4, 17.0 MB)

We saw this this goosefish or anglerfish of the genus Sladenia at Swordfish Seamount in the Geologist Seamount group during Dive 05 during Leg 3 of the expedition. Researchers aboard the Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory’s submersibles also found Sladenia at the active undersea volcano Loihi, located south of Hawaii Island–an area that thousands of years from now will emerge from the ocean to become the next island of the Hawaiian Archipelago. Scientists previously identified these fish as Sladenia remiger, a species described from Indonesia. However, the recent description of another species, S. zhui, from the western Pacific indicates that the identity of the species in Hawaiian waters needs reevaluation and further study.