Image of gridded bathymetry shown as a wireframe and draped over gridded backscatter data. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Gulf of Mexico 2012. Download larger version (jpg, 414 KB).
An asteroid? Alien ship? Huge rock? Ever since the Team on Leg I of the Gulf of Mexico expedition mapped the DeSoto Canyon area in early March, there have been a lot of guesses thrown around about one specific seafloor feature in approximately 400 meters of water. OK, so no one really thought it was an asteroid or an alien. But, we really did enjoy the speculation. Not only did the feature seem to be the one spot of significant relief in an otherwise fairly flat area, but it also showed up in the backscatter data as a very 'hard' target. The great news is that we'll find out today. That is where we are exploring with the ROV.