NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer conducts operations in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Gulf of Mexico 2012. Download larger version (jpg, 1.5 MB).
It was a big day for the NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program. Today was the first ever marine archaeology-focused remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dive from Okeanos Explorer. NOAA Ocean Exploration and Research's (OER) marine archaeology program activities support the initial phases of exploration, discovery, and site characterization of underwater cultural heritage (UCH). UCH refers to traces of human existence historically and prehistorically that are totally or partially underwater. OER and our partners accomplish this by systematically surveying, locating, and evaluating sites for archaeological or historical significance, and properly documenting any information. Traditionally, these are non-disturbance activities that do not include site excavation and extensive artifact conservation. Like all federal programs, we have responsibility under Federal law to preserve and protect historically significant, or potentially significant, cultural resources. Over the next few days, we expect to explore two more potential wrecks. Stay tuned to the for updates.